- <?php
- /**
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //如果您看见这句话,说明您现在使用的服务器不支持PHP
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //************ ************ 版 权 声 明 ************* *********** ************ ************
- ||
- || UenuProbe PHP探针 完全采用Div+Css前端设计架构编写的新型PHP探针 Ver 2.08.12 Build 081201 编码为:UTF-8
- ||
- || 作 者:田慧民 电邮:tianhuimin@tongji.edu.cn
- ||
- || 维 护:shvip 主页:http://tool.uenu.com
- ||
- || QQ:191633089
- ||
- || 如果你需要修改本程式请保留原作者的版权,谢谢。
- //************ ************ ************ ************ ************ ************ ************
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- This PHP probe programe is designed based on the new structure Div + Css , the free open source software, powerful, clear structure and easy to use.
- 1. To support Windows, linux, Unix, FreeBSD, Sun Solar System.
- 2. Support for IE6, IE7, Firefox, Google chrome, and other browsers.
- The main use and application of the object:
- 1. Be familiar with the PHP programming of amateur and professional developers.
- 2. The managers to configure Linux (Windows) + PHP + mySQL + Zend system environment, be sure of the successful detection system configuration.
- 3. For the company's customers to buy Virtual host using testing server performance.
- 一、本程序基于Div+Css 新型架构PHP探针,免费开源的自由软件,功能强大,结构清晰,使用方便。
- 1.支持Windows,linux,Unix,FreeBSD,Sun Solar系统
- 2.支持IE6,IE7,Firefox,Google chrome等浏览器。
- 二、主要用途及适用对象:
- 1.熟悉PHP编程的业余爱好者及专业开发人员。
- 2.机房管理人员配置Linux(Windows)+PHP+mySQL+Zend系统环境,检测系统是否配置成功。
- 3.对于购买虚拟主机的用户,用于测试服务器性能。
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- */
- // header("content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
- error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
- ob_start();
- $valInt = (false == empty($_POST['pInt']))?$_POST['pInt']:"未测试";
- $valFloat = (false == empty($_POST['pFloat']))?$_POST['pFloat']:"未测试";
- $valIo = (false == empty($_POST['pIo']))?$_POST['pIo']:"未测试";
- $mysqlReShow = "none";
- $mailReShow = "none";
- $funReShow = "none";
- $opReShow = "none";
- $sysReShow = "none";
- //============ 定义常量 用于替换模板输出变量 =======================
- //define("YES", "<span class='resYes'>YES</span>");
- //define("NO", "<span class='resNo'>NO</span>");
- // define("YES", "<span class='resYes'>√</span>");
- //define("NO", "<span class='resNo'>×</span>");
- $icon = $_GET['icon'];
- switch($icon)
- {
- case "image":
- define("YES", "<span class='resYes'>√</span>");
- define("NO", "<span class='resNo'>×</span>");
- break;
- case "English":
- define("YES", "<span class='EnglishYes'>Yes</span>");
- define("NO", "<span class='EnglishNo'>No</span>");
- break;
- case "CN":
- define("YES", "<span class='CNYes'>支持</span>");
- define("NO", "<span class='CNNo'>不支持</span>");
- break;
- default:
- $icon = "image";
- define("YES", "<span class='resYes'>√</span>");
- define("NO", "<span class='resNo'>×</span>");
- break;
- }
- //=================================================================
- define("ICON", "<span class='icon'>2</span> ");
- define("PHPSELF", preg_replace("/(.{0,}?\/+)/", "", $phpSelf));
- if ($_GET['act'] == "phpinfo")
- {
- echo phpinfo();
- exit();
- }
- elseif($_POST['act'] == "TEST_1")
- {
- $valInt = test_int();
- }
- elseif($_POST['act'] == "TEST_2")
- {
- $valFloat = test_float();
- }
- elseif($_POST['act'] == "TEST_3")
- {
- $valIo = test_io();
- }
- elseif($_POST['act'] == "CONNECT")
- {
- $mysqlReShow = "show";
- $mysqlRe = "MYSQL连接测试结果:";
- $mysqlRe .= (false !== @mysql_connect($_POST['mysqlHost'], $_POST['mysqlUser'], $_POST['mysqlPassword']))?"MYSQL服务器连接正常, ":"MYSQL服务器连接失败, ";
- $mysqlRe .= "数据库 <b>".$_POST['mysqlDb']."</b> ";
- $mysqlRe .= (false != @mysql_select_db($_POST['mysqlDb']))?"连接正常":"连接失败";
- }
- elseif($_POST['act'] == "SENDMAIL")
- {
- $mailReShow = "show";
- $mailRe = "MAIL邮件发送测试结果:发送";
- $mailRe .= (false !== @mail($_POST["mailReceiver"], "UenuProbe Mail Server Test.", "This email is sent by UenuProbe.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCopyRight UenuCom\r\nhttp://www.uenu.com"))?"完成":"失败";
- }
- elseif($_POST['act'] == "FUNCTION_CHECK")
- {
- $funReShow = "show";
- $funRe = "函数 <b>".$_POST['funName']."</b> 支持状况检测结果:".isfun($_POST['funName']);
- }
- elseif($_POST['act'] == "CONFIGURATION_CHECK")
- {
- $opReShow = "show";
- $opRe = "配置参数 <b>".$_POST['opName']."</b> 检测结果:".getcon($_POST['opName']);
- }
- //========================================================================
- //============= 风格设置 ==============================================
- //
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- $skin[resNo]="red"; //resNo 颜色
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- ///menu
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- $skin[resNo]="red"; //resNo 颜色
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- $skin[Alink] = "green"; //link 颜色
- $skin[Ahover] = "red"; //hover 颜色
- $skin[Aactive] = "#007700"; //active 颜色
- $skin[Avisited] = "#007700"; //visited 颜色
- }
- elseif($style=="sum"){
- ///////////清爽夏日风格//////////
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- $skin[title]="#72CF72"; //大标题里的背景颜色
- $skin[border]="#007700"; //所有的边框颜色
- //按钮 输入框颜色
- $skin="#F7F7F7"; //所有的按钮颜色
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- $skin[inputbackground] = "#EEFEE0"; //输入框背景颜色
- ///menu
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- $skin[resYes]="#339900"; //resYes 颜色
- $skin[resNo]="red"; //resNo 颜色
- $skin[font]="#333333"; //所有的字体颜色
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- $skin[Ahover] = "red"; //hover 颜色
- $skin[Aactive] = "#007700"; //active 颜色
- $skin[Avisited] = "#007700"; //visited 颜色
- }
- //============= 结束风格 ==============================================
- //========================================================================
- switch (PHP_OS)
- {
- case "Linux":
- $sysReShow = (false != ($sysInfo = sys_linux()))?"show":"none";
- break;
- case "FreeBSD":
- $sysReShow = (false != ($sysInfo = sys_freebsd()))?"show":"none";
- break;
- case "Windows":
- //$sysReShow = (false != ($sysInfo = sys_windows()))?"show":"none";
- $sysInfo['uptime'] ="对不起Windows系统不支持";
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- //========================================================================
- ?>
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- <meta name="keywords" content="PHP,探针,PHP探针,PHP编程,UenuProbe,Probe,Uenu.com,优艺国际"/>
- <meta name="description" content="UenuProbe PHP探针 完全采用Div+Css 前端设计架构编写的新型PHP探针 Ver 2.08.12 Build 081201 编码为:UTF-8 (UenuProbe,UenuCom,Uenu.com,PHP探针,PHP编程,优艺国际)"/>
- <meta name="generator" content="UenuProbe Ver 2.08.12" />
- <meta name="author" content="UenuProbe! Copyright Uenu.com" />
- <meta name="copyright" content="2001-2009 UenuCom Corp." />
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- // height:266px;
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- float: left;
- height: 25px;
- width: 140px;
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- height: 25px;
- width: 140px;
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- border-right-width: 1px;
- border-right-style: solid;
- border-right-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-bottom-width: 1px;
- border-bottom-style: solid;
- border-bottom-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- text-align: center;
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- float: left;
- height: 25px;
- width: 140px;
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- border-right-style: solid;
- border-right-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
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- height: 25px;
- width: 700px;
- padding-top: 10px;
- text-align: left;
- padding-left: 20px;
- }
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- height: 25px;
- width: 120px;
- padding-top: 10px;
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- border-right-style: solid;
- border-left-style: solid;
- border-top-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-right-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-left-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
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- float: left;
- height: 30px;
- width: 140px;
- border-top-width: 1px;
- border-right-width: 1px;
- border-top-style: solid;
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- padding-top: 5px;
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- height: 25px;
- width: 120px;
- padding-top: 10px;
- border-top-width: 1px;
- border-right-width: 1px;
- border-top-style: solid;
- border-right-style: solid;
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- height: 30px;
- width: 140px;
- padding-top: 5px;
- border-top-width: 1px;
- border-right-width: 1px;
- border-top-style: solid;
- border-right-style: solid;
- border-top-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-right-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
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- height: 30px;
- width: 140px;
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- border-top-style: solid;
- border-right-style: solid;
- border-top-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-right-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-bottom-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-left-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
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- float: left;
- height: 25px;
- width: 120px;
- padding-top: 10px;
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- border: 1px solid <?=$skin[border]?>;
- padding-left: 20px;
- margin-left: 5px;
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- float: left;
- height: 30px;
- width: 140px;
- border-top-width: 1px;
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- height: 25px;
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- border-top-width: 1px;
- border-right-width: 1px;
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- text-align: left;
- padding-left: 20px;
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- float: left;
- height: 30px;
- width: 140px;
- padding-top: 5px;
- border-top-width: 1px;
- border-right-width: 1px;
- border-top-style: solid;
- border-right-style: solid;
- border-top-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-right-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-bottom-width: 1px;
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- border-bottom-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
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- #total #checkinfo #check10 {
- float: left;
- height: 30px;
- width: 140px;
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- border-right-width: 1px;
- border-bottom-width: 1px;
- border-top-style: solid;
- border-right-style: solid;
- border-bottom-style: solid;
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- border-right-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-bottom-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
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- height: 25px;
- width: 120px;
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- padding-left: 20px;
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- width: 140px;
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- border-top-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
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- width: 250px;
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- border-right-width: 1px;
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- border-right-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
- border-bottom-color: <?=$skin[border]?>;
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- width: 60%;
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- padding-top: 5px;
- padding-left: 160px;
- }
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- width: 98%;
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- }
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- height: 160px;
- width: 98%;
- }
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- height: 60px;
- width: 260px;
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- border: 1px solid #999999;
- font-size: 12px;
- padding-left: 6px;
- padding-top: 6px;
- line-height: 150%;
- margin-top: 20px;
- }
- -->
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- <div id="a">www.UENU.com ®</div>
- <div id="b">PHP 探针<span style="font-size:12px">Ver 2.08.12</span></div>
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- <div id="blank"></div>
- <A href="<?=PHPSELF."?style=$style&icon=$icon&#serverinfo"?>" class="menu" >服务器特征</A>
- <A href="<?=PHPSELF."?style=$style&icon=$icon&#phpinfo"?>" class="menu" >PHP基本特征</A>
- <A href="<?=PHPSELF."?style=$style&icon=$icon&#otherinfo"?>" class="menu" >PHP组件支持状况</A>
- <A href="<?=PHPSELF."?style=$style&icon=$icon&#testinfo"?>" class="menu" >服务器性能检测</A>
- <A href="<?=PHPSELF."?style=$style&icon=$icon&#checkinfo"?>" class="menu" >自定义检测</A>
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- <A href="<?=PHPSELF."?style=$style&icon=$icon&#style"?>" class="menu" >风格选择</A>
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- <div id="left"><a href="http://www.uenu.com/download/UenuProbe.rar" class="download" title="
- ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
- ┠ ┨
- ┠ 软件下载 ┨
- ┠ 软件名称:UenuProbe PHP探针 ┨
- ┠ 最新版本:Ver 2.08.12 ┨
- ┠ 发布日期:2008年12月01日 ┨
- ┠ 技术支持:www.uenu.com ┨
- ┠ ┨
- ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
- " >UenuProbe -- ※基于Div+Css 架构PHP探针</a></div>
- <div id="right">页面风格:<a href="<?=$PHP_SELF?>?style=sky" class="sky">[蓝色天空]</a> <a href="<?=$PHP_SELF?>?style=yel" class="yel">[粉色情人]</a> <a href="<?=$PHP_SELF?>?style=sum" class="sum">[清爽夏日]</a> 输出格式:<a href="<?=$PHP_SELF."?style=$style"?>&icon=English" >English</a> :<a href="<?=$PHP_SELF."?style=$style"?>&icon=CN">中文</a>:<a href="<?=$PHP_SELF."?style=$style"?>&icon=image">图型</a> </div>
- </div>
- <!--PHP基本特性 开始-->
- <div class="title">...:::服务器特性:::...</div>
- <!--PHP基本特性 结束-->
- <div id="serverinfo"><div class="info1">服务器时间</div><div class="info2"><?php echo gmdate("Y年m月d日 h:i:s",time());?> (格林威治标准时间) <?=gmdate("Y年n月j日 H:i:s",time()+8*3600)?> (北京时间)</div>
- <div class="info3">服务器域名</div><div class="info4"><?php echo("<a href=\"http://$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]\" title=访问此域名 target=_blank>$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]</a>"); ?></div>
- <div class="info3">服务器IP地址</div><div class="info4"><?php $host_ip=gethostbyname($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]); echo($host_ip);?></div>
- <div class="info3">服务器操作系统</div><div class="info4"><?php $os = explode(" ", php_uname()); echo $os[0]; echo " ";
- if ($os[0] =="Windows") {echo "主机名称:".$os[2];} else {echo "内核版本:".$os[2];}?></div>
- <!-- 仅在windows 环境中输出-->
- <?php if(("show" !==$sysReShow) & ("0"!= $_ENV["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"])& (""!= $_ENV["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"])){?>
- <div class="info3">服务器处理器</div><div class="info4">CPU个数:<?=$_ENV["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"]?> <?php echo " ".$_ENV["PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER"]; echo " 运行级别:".$_ENV["PROCESSOR_LEVEL"]; echo " 版本:".$_ENV["PROCESSOR_REVISION"];?></div>
- <?}?>
- <!-- 仅在windows 环境中输出结束-->
- <!-- linux or unix 参数输出-->
- <?if(("show"==$sysReShow)&("0" != $sysInfo['cpu']['num'])&("" != $sysInfo['cpu']['num'])){?>
- <div class="info3">服务器处理器</div><div class="info4">CPU个数:<?=$sysInfo['cpu']['num']?> <?=$sysInfo['cpu']['detail']?></div>
- <?}?>
- <?if("show"==$sysReShow){?>
- <div class="info3">内存使用状况</div><div class="info4">
- <?=$sysInfo['memTotal']?>M, 已使用
- <?=$sysInfo['memUsed']?>M, 空闲
- <?=$sysInfo['memFree']?>M, 使用率
- <?=$sysInfo['memPercent']?>%</div>
- <div class="info3">SWAP区</div><div class="info4">
- 共<?=$sysInfo['swapTotal']?>M, 已使用
- <?=$sysInfo['swapUsed']?>M, 空闲
- <?=$sysInfo['swapFree']?>M, 使用率
- <?=$sysInfo['swapPercent']?>%</div>
- <div class="info3">系统平均负载</div><div class="info4"><?=$sysInfo['loadAvg']?></div>
- <?}?>
- <!-- linux or unix 参数输出结束-->
- <div class="info3">服务器运行时间</div><div class="info4"><?php if ($sysInfo['uptime']!=""){ echo $sysInfo['uptime'];} else echo "对不起Windows系统不支持"; ?> </div>
- <div class="info3">服务器操作系统文字编码</div><div class="info4"><?php echo($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]); ?></div>
- <div class="info3">服务器解译引擎</div><div class="info4"><?php echo($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]); ?></div>
- <div class="info3">Web服务端口</div><div class="info4"><?php echo($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]); ?></div>
- <div class="info3">服务器管理员</div><div class="info4"><?php
- if (isset($_SERVER["SERVER_ADMIN"]))
- {echo("<a href=\"mailto:$_SERVER[SERVER_ADMIN]\" title=发送邮件>$_SERVER[SERVER_ADMIN]</a>"); }
- else echo("<a href=\"mailto:get_cfg_var(sendmail_from)\" title=发送邮件>get_cfg_var(sendmail_from)</a>");?></div>
- <div class="info3">本文件路径</div><div class="info4"><?php echo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]);?></div>
- <div class="info3">服务端剩余空间</div><div class="info4"><?php echo intval(diskfreespace(".") / (1024 * 1024)).'Mb';?></div>
- <div class="info3">系统当前用户名</div><div class="info4"><?php echo @get_current_user();?></div>
- </div>
- <!--tag1 -->
- <a name="phpinfo"></a>
- <!--PHP基本特性 开始-->
- <div class="title">...:::PHP基本特性:::...</div>
- <div id="phpinfo">
- <div id="left">
- <div class="info01">PHP版本</div><div class="info02"><?php echo PHP_VERSION;?></div>
- <div class="info03">PHP运行方式</div><div class="info04"><?php /**strtoupper(php_sapi_name());**/ echo ucwords(php_sapi_name());?></div>
- <div class="info03">支持ZEND编译运行 (<?php if($zend="YES") {echo "版本:";echo zend_version();}?>)</div><div class="info04"><?php echo $zend=(get_cfg_var("zend_optimizer.optimization_level")||get_cfg_var("zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts")||get_cfg_var("zend_extension_ts")) ?YES:NO?></div>
- <div class="info03">运行于安全模式</div><div class="info04"><?php if(get_cfg_var("safemode")){echo("是");}else echo("否"); ?></div>
- <div class="info03">自动定义全局变量 register_globals</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("register_globals")?'ON' : 'OFF';?></div>
- <div class="info03">允许使用URL打开文件allow_url_fopen</div><div class="info04"><?=get_cfg_var("allow_url_fopen")=="1"?YES:NO?></div>
- <div class="info03">允许动态加载链接库enable_dl</div><div class="info04"><?=get_cfg_var("enable_dl")=="1"?YES:NO?></div>
- <div class="info03">显示错误信息 display_errors</div><div class="info04"><?=get_cfg_var("display_errors")=="1"?YES:NO?></div>
- <div class="info03">短标记<? ?>支持</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("short_open_tag")?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="info03">标记<% %>支持</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("asp_tags")?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="info03">COOKIE支持</div><div class="info04"><?php echo isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="info03">Session支持</div><div class="info04"><?php echo function_exists(session_start)?YES:NO;?></div>
- </div>
- <div id="right">
- <div class="info01">浮点运算有效数字显示位数</div><div class="info02"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("precision");?></div>
- <div class="info03">强制y2k兼容</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("y2k_compliance")?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="info03">被禁用的函数disable_functions</div><div class="info04">
- <?php $disused = @get_cfg_var("disable_functions")?"1":"0";
- if($disused =="1")
- {echo '<a href="#" title=>span!cdass="string">"
- '.@get_cfg_var("disable_functions").'
- ">'."More".'</a>';}
- else {echo "None";}?></div>
- <div class="info03">程序最长运行时间max_execution_time</div><div class="info04"><?php echo(get_cfg_var("max_execution_time")."秒");?></div>
- <div class="info03">程序最多允许使用内存量 memory_limit</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("memory_limit");?></div>
- <div class="info03">POST最大字节数 post_max_size</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("post_max_size");?></div>
- <div class="info03">允许最大上传文件 upload_max_filesize</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("file_uploads")?@get_cfg_var("upload_max_filesize") : $error;?></div>
- <div class="info03">PHP信息 PHPINFO</div><div class="info04"><?=(false!==eregi("phpinfo",$disFuns))?NO:"<a href=\"$phpSelf?act=phpinfo\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"static\" title=\"点击查看\">PHPINFO</a>"?></div>
- <div class="info03">Html错误显示</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("html_errors")?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="info03">调试器地址/端口</div><div class="info04"><?php echo $debugerhost=@get_cfg_var("debugger.host")?YES:NO;if ($debugerhost =="YES") {echo @get_cfg_var("debugger.port")?YES:NO;}?></div>
- <div class="info03">SMTP支持</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("SMTP")?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="info03">SMTP地址</div><div class="info04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("SMTP");?></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <a name="otherinfo"></a>
- <!--PHP基本特性 结束-->
- <div class="title">...:::组件支持状况:::...</div>
- <div id="otherinfo">
- <div id="left">
- <div class="infoe01">组件名称</div><div class="infoe02">支持情况</div>
- <div class="infoe03">拼写检查 ASpell Library</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(aspell_new)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">高精度数学运算 BCMath</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(bcadd)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">历法运算 Calendar</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(JDToFrench)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">图形处理 GD Library</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(imageline)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">类/对象支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(class_exists)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">字串类型检测支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(ctype_upper)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">iconv编码支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(iconv)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">MCrypt加密处理支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(mcrypt_cbc)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">哈稀计算 MHash</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(mhash)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">OpenSSL支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(openssl_open)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">PREL相容语法 PCRE</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(preg_match)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">正则扩展(兼容perl)支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(preg_match)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Socket支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(fsockopen)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">流媒体支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(stream_context_create)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Tokenizer支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(token_name)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">URL支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(parse_url)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">WDDX支持(Web Distributed Data Exchange)</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(wddx_add_vars)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">压缩文件支持(Zlib)</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(gzclose)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">XML解析</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(xml_set_object)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">FTP</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(ftp_login)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">MySQL数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(mysql_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">MySQL数据库持续连接</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("mysql.allow_persistent")?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">MySQL最大连接数</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo @get_cfg_var("mysql.max_links")==-1 ? "不限" : @get_cfg_var("mysql.max_links");?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">ODBC数据库连接</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(odbc_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">SQL Server数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(mssql_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">mSQL数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(msql_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Postgre SQL数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(pg_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- </div>
- <div id="right">
- <div class="infoe01">组件名称</div><div class="infoe02">支持情况</div>
- <div class="infoe03">Oracle数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(ora_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Oracle 8 数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(OCILogOff)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">dBase数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(dbase_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">SyBase数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(sybase_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">DBA数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(dba_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">DBM数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(dbmclose)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">DBX数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(dbx_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">DB++数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(dbplus_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">FrontBase数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(fbsql_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">FilePro数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(filepro)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Informix数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(ifx_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Lotus Notes数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(notes_version)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">InterBase数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(ibase_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">ingres数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(ingres_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Hyperwave数据库支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(hw_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Ovrimos SQL数据库连接支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(ovrimos_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">SESAM数据库连接支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(sesam_disconnect)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">SQLite数据库连接支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(sqlite_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Adabas D数据库连接支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(ada_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">目录存取协议(LDAP)支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(ldap_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">Yellow Page系统支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(yp_match)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">PHP和JAVA综合支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(java_last_exception_get)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">IMAP电子邮件系统支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(imap_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">SNMP网络管理协议支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(snmpget)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">VMailMgr邮件处理支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(vm_adduser)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">PDF文档支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(pdf_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- <div class="infoe03">FDF表单资料格式支持</div><div class="infoe04"><?php echo function_exists(FDF_close)?YES:NO;?></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <a name="testinfo"></a>
- <form method="post" action="<?=PHPSELF."?style=$style&icon=$icon&#testinfo"?>" id="main_form">
- <div class="title">...:::服务器性能检测:::...</div>
- <div id="testinfo">
- <div class="test01">检测对象</div>
- <div class="test02">整数运算能力测试<br />
- (1+1运算300万次)</div>
- <div class="test03">浮点运算能力测试<br />
- (开平方300万次)</div>
- <div class="test04">数据I/O能力测试<br />
- (读取10K文件10000次)</div>
- <div class="test05">Uenu.com (Xeon(TM) 2.80*2+4G+CentOS 5.2)</div>
- <div class="test06">0.068秒</div>
- <div class="test07">0.086秒</div>
- <div class="test08">小于0.100秒</div>
- <div class="test05">sakura.ad.jp (Xeon(TM) 2.80GHz+2G+FreeBSD 4.0)</div>
- <div class="test06">0.501秒</div>
- <div class="test07">0.694秒</div>
- <div class="test08">小于0.100秒</div>
- <div class="test05">Shvip的办公电脑 (PD 2.8*2 +2G+FreeBSD 7.0)</div>
- <div class="test06">0.425秒</div>
- <div class="test07">0.417 秒</div>
- <div class="test08">小于0.100秒</div>
- <div class="test05">测试当前服务器的性能</div>
- <div class="test06"><?=$valInt?></div><div class="test07"><?=$valFloat?></div><div class="test08"><?=$valIo?></div>
- <div class="test05"></div>
- <div class="test06"><input type="submit" value="TEST_1" class="myButton" name="act" /></div><div class="test07">
- <input type="submit" value="TEST_2" class="myButton" name="act" /></div><div class="test08"><input type="submit" value="TEST_3" class="myButton" name="act" /></div>
- </div>
- <input type="hidden" name="pInt" value="<?=$valInt?>" />
- <input type="hidden" name="pFloat" value="<?=$valFloat?>" />
- <input type="hidden" name="pIo" value="<?=$valIo?>" />
- <?php
- $isMysql = (false !== function_exists("mysql_query"))?"":" disabled";
- $isMail = (false !== function_exists("mail"))?"":" disabled";
- ?>
- <div class="title">...:::服务器自定义检测:::...</div>
- <div id="checkinfo">
- <div class="check00">MYSQL连接测试</div>
- <div id="check01">MYSQL服务器</div><div id="check02"> <input name="mysqlHost" type="text" id="mysqlHost" value="localhost" /></div><div id="check03">MYSQL用户名 </div><div id="check04"><input name="mysqlUser" type="text" id="mysqlUser" value="" /></div><div id="check05"></div>
- <div id="check06">MYSQL用户密码 </div><div id="check07"><input type="text" name="mysqlPassword" <?=$isMysql?> /></div><div id="check08">MYSQL数据库名称 </div><div id="check09"><input type="text" name="mysqlDb" /></div><div id="check10"><input type="submit" class="myButton" value="CONNECT" <?=$isMysql?> name="act" /></div>
- <div class="check00"><?php if("show"==$mysqlReShow){echo $mysqlRe;}?> </div>
- <div class="check00">MAIL邮件发送测试</div>
- <div id="check11">收信地址</div>
- <div id="check12"><input type="text" name="mailReceiver" size="50" <?=$isMail?> /></div><div id="check13"><input type="submit" class="myButton" value="SENDMAIL" <?=$isMail?> name="act" /></div>
- <div class="check00"><?php if("show"==$mailReShow){echo $mailRe;}?> </div>
- <div class="check00">函数支持状况</div>
- <div id="check11">函数名称</div>
- <div id="check12"><input type="text" name="funName" size="50" /></div><div id="check13"><input type="submit" class="myButton" value="FUNCTION_CHECK" name="act" /></div>
- <div class="check00"><?php if("show"==$funReShow){echo $funRe;}?> </div>
- <div class="check00">PHP配置参数状况</div>
- <div id="check11">参数名称</div>
- <div id="check12"><input type="text" name="opName" size="40" /></div><div id="check13"><input type="submit" class="myButton" value="CONFIGURATION_CHECK" name="act" /></div>
- <div class="check00"><?php if("show"==$opReShow){echo $opRe;}?> </div>
- </div>
- </form>
- <a name="bottom"></a>
- <a name="aboutus"></a>
- <div id="aboutinfo">
- <div id="declare">关于UenuProbe PHP探针程序声明:</div>
- <div id="gnu"><b>This PHP probe programe is designed based on the new structure Div + Css , the free open source software, powerful, clear structure and easy to use. </b><br />
- 1. To support Windows, linux, Unix, FreeBSD, Sun Solar System.<br />
- 2. Support for IE6, IE7, Firefox, Google chrome, and other browsers. <br /><br />
- <b>The main use and application of the object: </b><br />
- 1. Be familiar with the PHP programming of amateur and professional developers. <br />
- 2. The managers to configure Linux (Windows) + PHP + mySQL + Zend system environment, be sure of the successful detection system configuration. <br />
- 3. For the company's customers to buy Virtual host using testing server performance.<br /><br /><b>本程序基于Div+Css 新型架构PHP探针,免费开源的自由软件,功能强大,结构清晰,使用方便。</b><br />
- 1.支持Windows,linux,Unix,FreeBSD,Sun Solar系统<br />
- 2.支持IE6,IE7,Firefox,Google chrome等浏览器。<br />
- <br />
- <b>主要用途及适用对象:</b><br />
- 1.熟悉PHP编程的业余爱好者及专业开发人员。<br />
- 2.机房管理人员配置Linux(Windows)+PHP+mySQL+Zend系统环境,检测系统是否配置成功。<br />
- 3.对于购买虚拟主机的用户,用于测试服务器性能。<br /></div>
- <div id="top"><a href="<?=PHPSELF."?style=$style&icon=$icon&#top"?>" title="返回顶部">顶部↑</a></div>
- <div id="hr"> <hr color="#999999" size="1" /></div>
- <div id="about">
- <div id="us">程序设计: <a href="mailto:tianhuimin@tongji.edu.cn" title="发送邮件">田慧民</a> <a href="http://www.uenu.com" title="访问本站" target="_blank">Shvip</a> <br>
- 技术支持: <a href="http://tool.uenu.com" title="访问本站" target="_blank">tool.uenu.com</a><br>
- ※基于Div+Css 架构PHP探针 Ver 2.08.12
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!--total 结束-->
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
- <?php
- /*=============================================================
- 函数库
- =============================================================*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 检测函数支持
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function isfun($funName)
- {
- return (false !== function_exists($funName))?YES:NO;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 检测PHP设置参数
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function getcon($varName)
- {
- switch($res = get_cfg_var($varName))
- {
- case 0:
- return NO;
- break;
- case 1:
- return YES;
- break;
- default:
- return $res;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 整数运算能力测试
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function test_int()
- {
- $timeStart = gettimeofday();
- for($i = 0; $i <= 3000000; $i++);
- {
- $t = 1+1;
- }
- $timeEnd = gettimeofday();
- $time = ($timeEnd["usec"]-$timeStart["usec"])/1000000+$timeEnd["sec"]-$timeStart["sec"];
- $time = round($time, 6)."秒";
- return $time;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 浮点运算能力测试
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function test_float()
- {
- $t = pi();
- $timeStart = gettimeofday();
- for($i = 0; $i < 3000000; $i++);
- {
- sqrt($t);
- }
- $timeEnd = gettimeofday();
- $time = ($timeEnd["usec"]-$timeStart["usec"])/1000000+$timeEnd["sec"]-$timeStart["sec"];
- $time = round($time, 6)."秒";
- return $time;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 数据IO能力测试
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function test_io()
- {
- $fp = fopen(PHPSELF, "r");
- $timeStart = gettimeofday();
- for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++)
- {
- fread($fp, 10240);
- rewind($fp);
- }
- $timeEnd = gettimeofday();
- fclose($fp);
- $time = ($timeEnd["usec"]-$timeStart["usec"])/1000000+$timeEnd["sec"]-$timeStart["sec"];
- $time = round($time, 6)."秒";
- return($time);
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 比例条
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function bar($percent)
- {
- echo '<br/><ul class="bar">
- <li style="width:';
- echo $percent."%\">";
- echo ' </li>
- </ul>';
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 系统参数探测 LINUX
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function sys_linux()
- {
- // CPU
- if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/cpuinfo"))) return false;
- $str = implode("", $str);
- @preg_match_all("/model\s+name\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\w\s\)\(.]+)[\r\n]+/", $str, $model);
- //@preg_match_all("/cpu\s+MHz\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)[\r\n]+/", $str, $mhz);
- @preg_match_all("/cache\s+size\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+\s{0,}[A-Z]+[\r\n]+)/", $str, $cache);
- if (false !== is_array($model[1]))
- {
- $res['cpu']['num'] = sizeof($model[1]);
- for($i = 0; $i < $res['cpu']['num']; $i++)
- {
- $res['cpu']['detail'][] = "类型:".$model[1][$i]." 缓存:".$cache[1][$i];
- }
- if (false !== is_array($res['cpu']['detail'])) $res['cpu']['detail'] = implode("<br />", $res['cpu']['detail']);
- }
- if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/uptime"))) return false;
- $str = explode(" ", implode("", $str));
- $str = trim($str[0]);
- $min = $str / 60;
- $hours = $min / 60;
- $days = floor($hours / 24);
- $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24));
- $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60));
- if ($days != 0) {$res['uptime'] = $days."天";}
- if ($hours != 0) {$res['uptime'] .= $hours."小时";}
- $res['uptime'] .= $min."分钟";
- if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/meminfo"))) return false;
- $str = implode("", $str);
- preg_match_all("/MemTotal\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?MemFree\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?SwapTotal\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?SwapFree\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)/s", $str, $buf);
- $res['memTotal'] = round($buf[1][0]/1024, 2);
- $res['memFree'] = round($buf[2][0]/1024, 2);
- $res['memUsed'] = ($res['memTotal']-$res['memFree']);
- $res['memPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0;
- $res['swapTotal'] = round($buf[3][0]/1024, 2);
- $res['swapFree'] = round($buf[4][0]/1024, 2);
- $res['swapUsed'] = ($res['swapTotal']-$res['swapFree']);
- $res['swapPercent'] = (floatval($res['swapTotal'])!=0)?round($res['swapUsed']/$res['swapTotal']*100,2):0;
- if (false === ($str = @file("/proc/loadavg"))) return false;
- $str = explode(" ", implode("", $str));
- $str = array_chunk($str, 3);
- $res['loadAvg'] = implode(" ", $str[0]);
- return $res;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 系统参数探测 FreeBSD
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function sys_freebsd()
- {
- //CPU
- if (false === ($res['cpu']['num'] = get_key("hw.ncpu"))) return false;
- $res['cpu']['detail'] = get_key("hw.model");
- if (false === ($res['loadAvg'] = get_key("vm.loadavg"))) return false;
- $res['loadAvg'] = str_replace("{", "", $res['loadAvg']);
- $res['loadAvg'] = str_replace("}", "", $res['loadAvg']);
- if (false === ($buf = get_key("kern.boottime"))) return false;
- $buf = explode(' ', $buf);
- $sys_ticks = time() - intval($buf[3]);
- $min = $sys_ticks / 60;
- $hours = $min / 60;
- $days = floor($hours / 24);
- $hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24));
- $min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60));
- if ($days != 0) $res['uptime'] = $days."天";
- if ($hours != 0) $res['uptime'] .= $hours."小时";
- $res['uptime'] .= $min."分钟";
- if (false === ($buf = get_key("hw.physmem"))) return false;
- $res['memTotal'] = round($buf/1024/1024, 2);
- $buf = explode("\n", do_command("vmstat", ""));
- $buf = explode(" ", trim($buf[2]));
- $res['memFree'] = round($buf[5]/1024, 2);
- $res['memUsed'] = ($res['memTotal']-$res['memFree']);
- $res['memPercent'] = (floatval($res['memTotal'])!=0)?round($res['memUsed']/$res['memTotal']*100,2):0;
- $buf = explode("\n", do_command("swapinfo", "-k"));
- $buf = $buf[1];
- preg_match_all("/([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)/", $buf, $bufArr);
- $res['swapTotal'] = round($bufArr[1][0]/1024, 2);
- $res['swapUsed'] = round($bufArr[2][0]/1024, 2);
- $res['swapFree'] = round($bufArr[3][0]/1024, 2);
- $res['swapPercent'] = (floatval($res['swapTotal'])!=0)?round($res['swapUsed']/$res['swapTotal']*100,2):0;
- return $res;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 取得参数值 FreeBSD
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function get_key($keyName)
- {
- return do_command('sysctl', "-n $keyName");
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 确定执行文件位置 FreeBSD
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function find_command($commandName)
- {
- $path = array('/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin');
- foreach($path as $p)
- {
- if (@is_executable("$p/$commandName")) return "$p/$commandName";
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 执行系统命令 FreeBSD
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function do_command($commandName, $args)
- {
- $buffer = "";
- if (false === ($command = find_command($commandName))) return false;
- if ($fp = @popen("$command $args", 'r'))
- {
- while (!@feof($fp))
- {
- $buffer .= @fgets($fp, 4096);
- }
- return trim($buffer);
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 系统参数探测 Windows
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- function sys_windows()
- {
- //$phpos=PHP_OS;
- $sysInfo['uptime'] ="对不起Windows系统不支持";
- }
- ?>
海南省陵水市 3F
好先进啊。一度娘就到你这里来了。。 ” />
山东省滨州市 B1
@ 百赖小生 ” /> 你怎么问度娘的?
天津市 2F
山东省滨州市邹平县 B1
@ 卡布奇诺 @卡布奇诺, 呵呵 欢迎访问啊~~
广东省广州市花都区 1F
64M内存~~还可以~~ 我的是128M~~
山东省滨州市邹平县 B1
@ Junan @Junan, 汗啊 你鄙视我。。。。。
广东省广州市花都区 B2
@ 两天 @两天, 没有呀~~
山东省滨州市邹平县 B3
@ Junan @Junan, 我已经看出来了。。。